Author Topic: Medical Facilities Web Page  (Read 365301 times)


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Medical Facilities Web Page
« on: April 12, 2015, 07:16:53 PM »
Medical Facilities Web Page is Open

The Medical Facilities Web Page is now open for everyone.  At present, we only have 5 "Medical Dispatches" that are ready, but this will be growing as time goes by, many new ones are planned. We have have re-engineered 21 Medical Facilities, making sure they have helipads and "medical docks."  We will try to make as many of these dispatchs for both helicopter and fixed wing (those will end in a "B"....if Helicopter only, and "H", if Fixed Wing only, an "F").

To get started, you will have three files to download:

1. RTMM Medical Facilities Library .... add this where you put your libraries and activate it.

2. RTMM Medical .... this gives you the dispatches (all of them! ... in a single file)

3. RTMM Medical ... this gives you all of the medical facilities.

Watch for the dates on these three files so you will know if you need a new download. They will be changing as we add things.

When you look at a Dispatch on the dispatch table, look closely under "RTMM" to see if there is something else you will need for the dispatch.
If an RTMM scenery is needed to run the dispatch, it is listed and linked. If it DOES NOT have a update date and you already have the scenery, then there is no need to re-download it. If it has an update date under it, then you should re-download it and install it in your scenery library. (Always best to REMOVE the old folder completely and then put in the new one).

NOTAM: These extra downloads are necessary as changes have been made to add the medical docks. But we also know that many of you do not have all of the scenery locations downloaded, so this gives you a quick way to know what is needed so your trip will be successful.

Also you will see an "Information" link. Clicking on this gives you the PDF for the dispatch, the instructions for the dispatch. Clicking on the Topo Map link gives you an interactive topo map of the area ... which you will find valuable with this "new kind" of flying for RTMM fans. There is also a "local map" link which gives you an overview of the dispatch with a Plan-G map.

For those of you who are familiar with the way we make flight plans at RTMM, this will be quite a departure toward realism, and with it a new level of difficulty.  You no longer are give a "low and slow, autopilot flight plan".  With the Medical Dispatches, you are given a waypoint that you put into your GPS. This give you a direct line-of-sight route to the emergency "target." How you get there is up to you and your skills. You may well have 4000 foot mountains between you and the target.  If it is a clear day, you can fly high safely clearning them and coming back down safely. HOWEVER... with typical weather in the area, that will be rare and you will have to pick your way through the maze of fjords and river valleys staying below the cloud cover, yet getting to your destination the best way possible.

On the page, we include "how to" for (1) Putting a waypoint into the GPS and (2) how to start your aircraft at a specific starting position. Both of these methods are used extensively with this project, so we felt it would be a good idea to make sure everyone knows how they work.

When you do not care to have the medical facilities and the dispatches active ... simply uncheck those two items in your scenery library.

I cannot thank Steve Downing enough for the hours of time he has spent on the Medical Facilities, this whole project was also his original idea. Thank you Steve D!  Also, Steve Weinkamer came through for us again on this project giving us new medical facility objects (these are in the RTMM Medical Facilities Library  These are great additions and specially made just for the RTMM Medical Facilities project. A big thank you to Steve W!

You will find the Medical Facilities Project will take you to many places you have probably never seen in RTMM (another reason for the extra downloads). We are purposely creating Medical Dispatches that use the less-frequented area.  You will be surprised at the number of Sea Plane Bases that are alive with AI Aircraft ... that you've probably never visited.  You will get to visit many of them with this project.

New places, a new way of flying, new objects and a new reason to enjoy going from "Here2There" at RTMM.

Doug Linn/RTMM is "new" ... things are "different" and there may be a glitch or two. Just let us know and we'll smooth it out for you.


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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2015, 08:08:45 PM »
Downloading Scenery "again".  I've already been asked about this so let me explain. 

Dean River had a major problem with the original scenery, the helipad was "soft" and  the building was raised in the front. I'm not sure when this happened, but since the problem was the "medical" building that was there, i replaced the bad one with one of Steve W's new ones, put in a flatten and that now is ok. A notam was up that Dean River was updated, since i did that when doing the Medical Facilities, I knew no one would have it. Hence the need to re-download Dean River.

Ocean Falls  When putting in the Medical Facilities, there was no room for a hospital where it should be. Since I did all the scenery on that location, I knew "which trees to move" so I moved them and put in the medical facility. This changed the shoreline area of Ocean Falls. I also had to remove some boats where the hospital dock is ... otherwise there was no place there to park a float plane. So again, an updated download was necessary as the "base scenery" had to change to support the Med Facility project. So I put it in as an update.

NAC Bases We just got a new update on this one from the author (during this project), so the medical facilities part (E013B) was worked into this NEW update.  So that's why that one needs the update.

We won't be doing a lot of updating like this, but if we see problems or have natural updates, then we'll warn you to upload the new scenery and take out the old.  You will notice some that DO NOT have an update, Eddystone Rock is one ... it is "underlined/linked" but you DO NOT have to re-download it if you already have it. So it does not have an "update date" under it.  But we are putting the links there for the newer folks who may not yet have downloaded something.  This gives them a quick link to what they need.  So let me repeat ... if there is not an "update date" under the scenery (under RTMM on the table) you DO NOT have to re-download it.  But if we have to make a change in a scenery, then you do.

One other thing ... we might have a problem with PeaceHealth Ketchikan. There have been reports of "objects in the air." For me I do not see this.  The PAKT Payware "could" be the problem as the terrain was changed around the airport.  We are looking into this problem.

As stated above and on the website ... if you see something amiss, let us know. This represents Hours and Hours of work by the team. But even with all the time spent, there may be a detail missing somewhere. Help us find those problems and we'll fix them for you.


PS Attached is PeaceHealth Ketchikan with no flying objects ...

« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 08:14:44 PM by Doug »


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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2015, 10:26:57 PM »
Have fun


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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2015, 09:07:27 AM »
There is an incompatibility problem with the PAKT SP1 Pay Ware upgrade.  I have now put a NOTAM to that effect into the Dispatch warning folks there. It is also noted on the Web Page.  There is a new table at the bottom of the new web page that will handle things such as this. You will find the "fix" there.  The new table was added to the page index.


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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2015, 10:26:35 AM »
We have updated and added several new "MedEvac" missions. E009B through E015B have all been checked and are ready for use.  There are a lot of fun to fly.  The "realism" of using the waypoint (rather than a detailed flight plan) leaves the decisions of how to do the flight up to the pilot.  Decisions can be made by looking at the topo map (link provided on each dispatch) and by carefully watching Plan-G for low and slow routing in bad weather.

You will find that one of the challenges is finding the medical facility when you are returning with the patient. This, of course, for a new "real" pilot would also be a challenge. The more experienced pilots who know the territory will know exactly how to get to them.  One small "helper" we are putting in is a row of flashing red lights along the hospital hospital tie-up at the dock.  If you fly over the facility at Dusk ... you will see the lights and know where to land.


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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2015, 11:21:32 AM »
Thank you very much for all this great scenery and addon. I'm enjoying the heck out of it.
I have a quesiton about Ocean Falls Med Center. I'm not seeing the medical signs or the buildinig. I know itI has to be something I'm not doing. I removed everything this morning and reinstalled with the latest but it's still not there.

Ken aka Tenpin


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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2015, 11:34:37 AM »
in this dispatch you will need to download Ocean Falls scenery from the download page.  It has been updated (4/11/15) to add the facility.

(Doug, I'm not the only one who had trouble it seems)



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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2015, 12:23:12 PM »
Thank you Spud.  Suggest a note in  the Medical Facilities about this upgrade.



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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2015, 01:45:03 PM »
It is right at the top of the Dispatches Table:

NOTAM: Under RTMM, if an "UPDATE Date" is NOT showing and you already have the scenery, there is no need to re-download it. If you do not have the scenery OR you see an "update date" then you should click on the link, download the scenery and install it.

The Ocean Falls scenery has and Update Date under it meaning it must be downloaded. There will not be many of these.  If the Update Date is NOT under the scenery needed name, then if you already have the scenery, you do not need to re-download. But if that Update Date is there, you must re-download it.

Sceneries without the update date are a courtesy for new people who may not have the scenery downloaded. This alerts them they must download it ... and if they click on the link, it comes down for them. We are trying to take care of everyone.

Glad you are enjoying it ... I'm having fun "flying" them myself. After I make one, I fly it and see how it works ... with bad weather, these can be darned difficult!

« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 01:47:08 PM by Doug »


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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2015, 02:10:55 PM »
Let's try stating it this way:

NOTAM: Under SCENERY column ...
  • IF THERE IS A DATE under the scenery name, you MUST RE-DOWNLOAD it, click on the link.
  • IF THERE IS NO DATE AND YOU ALREADY HAVE the scenery, then you DO NOT need to re-download it
  • IF YOU ARE NEW AND DO NOT HAVE THE SCENERY, click on the link and it will download for you.

I changed it, perhaps this will be clearer.  There are three scenarios ... we update the base scenery, so everyone needs to download it. (In one case, we had to move some things we put in so we could add the medical center at Ocean Falls). The second is like you will see for E016B. Here, "Waterfall" is used, but nothing was changed in the Waterfall scenery. Yet if you DO NOT have Waterfall, you should download it or things will not work, the same if you are new.  Not everyone has downloaded all of the locations, so we have to be sure to let people know what scenery locations are needed to make each one of these work. 

You will also note for E012B ...there is no scenery there.  Everything used in this one is built into PFJ.

All part of doing something "new" ... we'll all get the hang of it :-)

« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 02:19:37 PM by Doug »


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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2015, 03:15:03 PM »
GPS and Starting Points HOW TO

I added and fixed up two "how to" areas on the new Medical Facilities Web Page. Some folks are not sure how to use a starting point latitude and latitude and heading.   So if you go to the page, in the top index, if you click on GPS or Starting Points ... it takes you down to the area where they are both explained.


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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2015, 12:09:27 PM »
I'm sorry guys but I am still missing the medical facilites at Ocean Falls.
I have two RTTM folders in my FSX Addon Scenery folder.
RTTM Object Library
RTTM Scenery Library
I placed the latest  "Ocean Falls"; which is working just fine ,  and the  three latest Medical folders, Dispatches, Facilities and Library Temp in the  Scenery Libraary.
Any suggestons?



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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2015, 12:26:59 PM »
I'm sorry guys but I am still missing the medical facilites at Ocean Falls.
I have two RTTM folders in my FSX Addon Scenery folder.
RTTM Object Library
RTTM Scenery Library
I placed the latest  "Ocean Falls"; which is working just fine ,  and the  three latest Medical folders, Dispatches, Facilities and Library Temp in the  Scenery Libraary.
Any suggestons?


Well dumb me. I went into Dispatches and downloaded Ocean Falls from there. (That's what you guys have been saying all along). Deleted Ocean falls and installed with this download. It's there. I can now fly med's and all from there.
I'm placing myself on time out 8) :-[ :-[


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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2015, 01:45:47 PM »
Hmmm, just go to your room.  ;D



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Re: Medical Facilities Web Page
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2015, 08:38:31 PM »
If you think it is a little Crazy from your end of it, you should see the MedEvac Dispatch (sausage) factory from the production side. It starts to look easy for the user, but keeping it all straight takes a pretty good process that we are still perfecting ... but it is getting easier.

There are now 10 active MedEvac dispatches.  Everything is reported to be working fine. These are "simple" scenery packages at the emergency site, but really focused on the "Here2There" aspect of RTMM. Just because you have a waypoint rarely means you have a straight line of flight, especially if you are using a weather program.

When we put a new one up for the QC team to check out, you'll see a "P E N D I N G  Q C" in the information column. It is not a good idea to "play" with these yet. These are beta and you can run into all kinds of problems. Stick with the ones that are done ... there are now plenty to enjoy (and more coming!)

Again, if you have an idea for one of these, let us know, we'll give it a try if we can.  Give us the circumstances and the latitude and longitude. We'll take it from there.
