Author Topic: Re-Named Flight Plans  (Read 2220 times)


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Re-Named Flight Plans
« on: July 20, 2014, 11:20:24 PM »
That cleaned up my Flight Plan folder in a big way...thanks for that. As you know, some flight plans were designated as FS, or RTMM, or VFR. Now we have a concise filing order. Love it. Kudos to whoever undertook the work to do that.  For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about go to Here2There and scroll down to RTMM Flight Plans. I did take the time to delete and replace my old flight plans, in some cases even comparing them in Plan-G, but it was worth the effort. That has been a burr in the side for some time.


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Re: Re-Named Flight Plans
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2014, 07:04:03 AM »
Wonderful you like the new plans. I was having your problem, I couldn't find anything in my documents file since I had hundreds of plans...I have the cabins in there too...all mixed up. The PlanG starts with the airport name, so when looking for a location, you almost have to first know which airport it came from before you could alphabetically find it. So the renaming solved that problem for ME...then I thought about the reverse plan and renamed those and that also worked for ME. Then I thought about you folks and zipped them up for YOU!

My hope is this will help get from Here2There more easily.  Thanks for checking them out.
