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Help and Troubleshooting / Re: Trees in the sea.. Lol.
« Last post by nbrich1 on July 26, 2024, 11:05:04 AM »
Ah fsx steam version..  okay.. should not be a big as long as you can find the paths to the FSX steam version folders.. you shouldn't need to run any configurator however if you don't have or use orbx regions than that might be causing the grass issue.. as rtmm is buit on top of the orbx scenery. Anyways, hopefully you can get used to seeing some grass in the yard locations but other than that things should work okay, for the most part.


Help and Troubleshooting / Re: Trees in the sea.. Lol.
« Last post by Kurdt_Cocaine on July 25, 2024, 05:28:45 PM »
Hello Norm and sorry for the late reply,

I do not have orbx but I've done every other step by the book; I'm going to uninstall and reinstall everything once more and see if the problems persists. I'm playing on Steam Edition if that's what you're asking.

Also, from what i recall last time I didn't use the configurator, is it required to function to display the scenery correctly?

As of now the a.i. is displayed and works perfectly.. (except for the ships but that's due to them getting stuck in the grass) and the sceneries look like they're supposed to, I just can't get rid of this patch of grass. :/
Hi Norm

Many thanks  ;)
NEW RTMM MSFS EXPRESS Scenery Package Updated again as well as new content added - version update is v2024-07-22. 

NEW Scenery Added:

RTMM Helipads: NEW locations added (v1.0)

Kake Helipad
Prince Rupert Helipad
Annette Island PANT Helipad
Wrangell Helipad
Roundtree SPB Helipad
Peninsula Pullout Helipad 9C0
Tatilek helipad
Seward Helipad
Coal Harbor Helipads (2)
Zeballos SPB Helipad
Ocean Falls SPB Helipad
Port Hardy Helipad
Hartley Bay Helipad
Port Alberni Helipad
Roche Harbor Helipad
Rosario Helipad
Seal Cove SPB Helipad (and Peninsula)

CSV-Little Navmap: The above helipad locations have been added to the RTMM Helipads locations file (csv) for import into Little Navmap: updated to v1.2: (see readme in zip for installation).

RTMM-HYPE: The above helipad locations have been added to the RTMM-HYPE-Merge (Helicopter HYPE Airbus Helicopter H145) updated to v1.2 (see readme in zip for installation).

NOTAM: HYPE: 63A is the Lloyd R Roundtree SPB. HYPE has put in a "PAPD" ICAO airport that is supposed to represent it. For RTMM, they will not see my addition of the helipad on the dock, it is associated with HYPE. There are no docks or Helipad for 63A. If you have the HYPE activity installed for the H145, then there is a dock and helipad. HYPE should have used 63A instead of making a new PAPD. They have added objects, piers and boats, (this was also done in the Tongass Narrows). You cannot delete those so someone using HYPE lives with the result.

(by Doug)

Help and Troubleshooting / Re: Trees in the sea.. Lol.
« Last post by nbrich1 on July 20, 2024, 10:32:15 AM »
Guess, before we can help you, we need to ask a few questions..

What version of fsx?
Did you add the required orbx regions?
Did you install tongass from the exe install?
Did you add rtmm from the master zip?
Did you add the scenery entries for rtmm and ensure that, as well as the tongas entries, are sequenced correctly via
the scenery.cfg and also set up the insertion points inside ftx central ? (Instructions to do this is in the rtmm install docs)

Once all of the above is correctly setup I suspected that it
will cure your problems.

Follow the rtmm instructions/install file step by step.. and that should correct any issues.



Help and Troubleshooting / Trees in the sea.. Lol.
« Last post by Kurdt_Cocaine on July 20, 2024, 07:25:01 AM »
Hi all, this is my first time writing in this forum. I've installed RTMM succesfully about a year ago but then lost everything (Including my FsX) when my external hardisk got corrupted. I recently got another one and tried reinstall RTMM only this time I've got an issue, and not a small one: There's trees in the water!

I can't think of a solution I haven't tried before but I'd be willing to try the same things out a milion times more should that fix it! Also, I should state that the exe configurator provided doesn't work for me. Once the installation finishes i see the little box open but it's just blank!

I'm gonna provide a few screenshot here, any help is welcomed:
Misty Flying Club and Multi Player / Re: Misty Flying Club - Tour Completions
« Last post by nbrich1 on July 17, 2024, 01:20:28 PM »
This is the July 2024 Misty Flying Club Pilot Awards listing: New Pilot Additions, tour completions and milestone awards for this month. (The most recently awarded appear at the top of the list). 

New Pilots, Tour completions, Hours-Flights-Service Awards:

Alan Goodrich got 400 Flights on 2024-07-23.
Joe Albert got new MFC Pilot on 2024-07-14. (Pilot MFC0284 United States), Welcome Joe.
James Smith got 1500 Flights on 2024-07-12.
Alan Goodrich got MFC0031 The X Factor on 2024-07-12.
Erik Stynen got MFC0001 Misty Triangle on 2024-07-10.
Erik Stynen got new MFC Pilot on 2024-07-07. (Pilot MFS0283 Belgium), Welcome Erik.
Michael Andrus got new MFC Pilot on 2024-07-05 (Pilot MFC0282 United States), Welcome Michael.
Kid Koko got new MFC Pilot on 2024-07-04 (Pilot MFS0281 Germany), Welcome Kid.
Thomas Menzel got MFS0036A Deadhorse Hub on 2024-07-03.

Misty Flying Club and Multi Player / Re: Changed aircraft on leg 7 of MFC0066
« Last post by nbrich1 on July 15, 2024, 10:27:07 PM »
Yes we are doing well.. it has been hot here.. and I guess there as well... So have been trying to go to the lake as much as possible..  kids and grand-kids in tow.. lol.    Will fix up the pireps to show twin otter. 

Thanks Bill.

Misty Flying Club and Multi Player / Re: Changed aircraft on leg 7 of MFC0066
« Last post by williamb on July 15, 2024, 07:54:31 PM »
Norm,  thanks for your response on correct way of changing aircraft on Leg 7 of Tour MFC0066.  I now have had a similar issue on Leg 10 of Tour MFC0066.  I closed the flight on this leg at PAKD and filed the PIREP without going to DGB.  Senior moment.  To complete Leg 10 fully I selected Flight Plan MFCT00872-6A2 (ORI-DGB) from Flight Schedules and reflew the whole route in the Twin Otter.  The flight was uneventful and I filed the PIREP after arriving at DGB.  On review of my PIREP I realized the aircraft listed for this Flight Plan was a Husky.

I did not make mistakes like this when I was flying for a living. I was younger then.  As I really enjoy MFC, I would like my records to be correct.  If you could place the correct aircraft in the PIREP for this leg I would be pleased.  Sorry to cause extra work for you.

Thanks Norm.  Hope you and Cyndi are doing well.

Firstly all of the Links to the Add-ons (FSX, P3Dv4, P3Dv5, MSFS, as well as Tongass are all working as intended. That is here on the site ( and on the MFC discord server.

Next.Scenery Order...   Tongass go in the middle, above OrbX L/C, but below Orbx regions and Orbx airports, then at the extreme top is all of the stuff...   (If you use the Tongass Add-on for P3D.. and the RTMM Add-ons for P3Dv5, I have tried to preset the order in the Tongass add-on and in the rtmm addon.. 

Usually there is no need to play with Orbx Central trying to set insertion points to maintain the correct scenery order... but if necessary as it might be in your case, recommend to set insertion points in Orbx Central so that the scenery order is set and does not revert...The order looks like this: and once the scenery order is set, then the sim gets the correct order for layering..... RTMM is 3rd party scenery and should be sitting on top of the order...

Hope this helps?

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