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Title: Learning to fly a heli
Post by: kaha on April 27, 2020, 04:02:42 AM
Klaus, it's like trying to balance a pencil on a plumpudding.


Title: Re: Learning to fly a heli
Post by: corbu1 on April 27, 2020, 04:16:23 AM
Hello Karl,
Yes, it is a balancing act staying in the hover....But I think you did it very good for the first time!!!
Motto is practice, practice and practice...... ;)

Did you adjust your controller settings to highest resolution and no nullzones?
This is important....helicopters need just small controller inputs with very small input movement of the Controller, especially cyclic. It should be possible holding it in the hover with just a millimeters of cyclic movement. Long range cyclic inputs leads to lagging correcting to helos movements... 

When trying to hold the hover, watch out for fixed object nearby as a building, tree or anything else as a reference point. Try to keep the helo in stable position compared to this fixed reference. This helps a lot and is common practise by real helo pilots,too.

Title: Re: Learning to fly a heli
Post by: kaha on April 27, 2020, 06:39:50 AM
With highest resolution you mean highest sensitivity?

Can you please point me to the correct link for the hover heli mod for P3D V4? I found several download links for FSX, but none for P3D.

Title: Re: Learning to fly a heli
Post by: corbu1 on April 27, 2020, 06:57:27 AM
With highest resolution you mean highest sensitivity?

Can you please point me to the correct link for the hover heli mod for P3D V4? I found several download links for FSX, but none for P3D.


Uups....yes highest sensitivity!

Do you mean HTR, I mentionend in another post? Latest version was v1.62 I believe.
It was not released officialy  for p3d, but works basically.....
HTR works with profiles for specific helicopters. Some of these profiles can cause trouble......
You can download it from helisimmer.com. Look at their download section.

Title: Re: Learning to fly a heli
Post by: corbu1 on April 27, 2020, 07:00:52 AM
Here‘s the Link:


Title: Re: Learning to fly a heli
Post by: kaha on April 27, 2020, 03:17:55 PM
Thank you Klaus.

Landing at Innsbruck Hospital. I tell you, I was almost sweating in that Heli. And yes, it needs a lot of practice.



p.S. I have a problem getting the CH-53E in V4.5 to work. After loading it up the engine shuts down and it is not possible to start it using Ctrl-E. Klaus, do you happen to know?
Title: Re: Learning to fly a heli
Post by: corbu1 on April 27, 2020, 04:25:50 PM
Karl, great job! You are really doing well!!!
Take off and cruise flight was super smooth....
Try maintain a slow and steady approach with about 40-60 kts. When you are too slow on approach you‘ll tend loosing speed to soon.....before reaching the pad. It’s better coming in with speed reserve and overshot the pad if you can‘t land...then simply try another approach.

Mastering the hover, doing transitions from hover to cruise and from cruise to hover are the important flight regimes for helicopters. If you master these...you master the helo.

I honestly speaking I have never flown the default CH53e with start routines.
But I believe I have read about start procedures are a bit tricky.
Did you read the manuals delievered with CH53e?
 You can find them in your folder....simobjects/ Rotorcraft/CH-53e/manual folder.
Title: Re: Learning to fly a heli
Post by: kaha on May 02, 2020, 06:07:34 PM
Klaus, can you already make a suggestion for a heli in V5?

Thank you,
Title: Re: Learning to fly a heli
Post by: corbu1 on May 03, 2020, 07:13:20 AM
the only payware helo I have already tried is the Cerasim Blackhaw for v4. I was able go install it via v4 installer into v5 directory.....based on this I installed the freeware Firehawk mod for this helo.

Due to actual problems I havewith v5 HF1 I haven‘t yet tried other payware helos.......