Author Topic: DX10 Discussion Thread  (Read 534690 times)


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DX10 Discussion Thread
« on: June 29, 2013, 01:04:01 PM »
DX10 is strictly "beta" ... but we are "looking" at it just to see what it is all about and find out how compatible it is with RTMM.  In another thread, we demonstrated some good luck with it initially. I've seen increased frame rates and just a better "screen" ... clearer and smoother. 

This is not for everybody ... only for those who have the time to "tinker" and enjoy some screwy "dead ends" while they tinker.  But for anyone running DX10, I'd really appreciate your feedback on this thread of anything you are seeing in regards to RTMM. 

Steve gave us this reference:

... and it is an EXCELLENT starting point. I did not play with "clocking" or anything like that, but basically started on page 19 and customized the display settings. (I also have an NVIDIA card, so I made those setting changes you see earlier in the document). 

I've created a short "pdf" on what I'm doing ... things I have changed in the fsx.cfg file, etc. And anyone starting is welcome to look over my shoulder. If there are "experts" in this area that see I may be doing something wrong or could do it better, your comments are welcome and I'll try your ideas. The latest  "log" of what I've done so far can be found here on the FAQ page (under "D")  by clicking on the "zip' button:

If you see an object that doesn't show, let us know ... we'll be keeping a list of those to make sure we can correct them in the future.  Also anything else that looks "different" (flashing runways, etc).

Thank you for your input ....
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 01:10:51 PM by Doug »


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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2013, 04:52:06 PM »
DX10-Ready Scenery List - As sceneries are made DX10 Ready (proper objects, trouble-free) they will be added to this list below. If you do not have DX10, there is no reason to re-download and install the scenery location. If you do have DX10, these locations have correct objects and are error-free. You will see the DX10-Ready logo on any scenery page location has been modified.

Aiken Creek ... no change
Baird/LeConte Glacier ... changes
Bear Observatory ... changes
Big Fall Hydro ... major changes
Border Lake ... no changes
Bowser Lake/Elliots Firebase ... some changes
Brad's Skeena river ... some changes
Misty's Place ... changes
Stanley Creek Cabin

« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 12:34:39 PM by Doug »


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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2013, 10:32:52 AM »
What kind of changes have been made to the locations to make them DX10 compatible? Textures?
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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2013, 12:32:14 PM »
Yes, mostly textures and missing objects. If the texture is missing or the object doesn't show up in DX10, so I delete it and replace it with a similar object at the same position.  Unfortunately, many of the objects in "Woody's" object library don't work ... so I'm slowing replacing all of those with "similar" objects. When I'm done, we'll eliminate that library, one less object library to worry about.  I've only found 5 things in that library that work in DX10.  Unfortunately, all the "rocks" I used were from that library. So I will have to do again all of the river runs and anything with the boulders. Big Hydro taught me that. It is now updated with the new objects. Some locations are not needing any changes. If you see a date that is well before June of 2013, and it is "DX-Ready" ... then there were no changes and if you are using DX10, no need to download a new file.  Watch the date, that's the key.

Again for anyone reading ... if you are NOT using DX10 ... you will see NO difference ... a "darker" picnic table replaces the "lighter" colored one.  You DO NOT need to download anything new.   But if you are using DX10, the picnic table does not show up if they are not replaced. Same with the boulders I was using ... they just aren't there. 

For anyone using DX10, you can download the "new" file by downloading the zip at the location, delete your old folder and put in the new folder. I'm not changing ANY names of folders or BGL's so they copy/paste just fine.

Clicking on the DX10-Ready logo takes you to the FAQ page where I'm adding paragraphs that answer questions like the one posed here. (And thanks for the question).

UPDATE:  If you go to the FAQ page ... I've now posted a before/after pic of what some of the objects can look like if they are not DX-10 compatible. This should help people better understand what is happening.  Link to FAQ -
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 01:33:51 PM by Doug »


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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2013, 12:49:19 AM »
I converted all of my textures from .bmp to .dds and have no problem with Big Fall Hydro rocks showing up in DX10. (Top screen capture.) My "Woody's" stuff shows up OK, as far as I know.

On an unrelated front, I have a bunch of undefined models  when I bring up the IS2 object list. I'm probably missing a library, so maybe you can tell me which one.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 12:51:21 AM by ualani »
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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2013, 06:44:43 AM »
Steve...go to the scenery tester on the FAQ page, that should help you find an orphan library.

By changing out objects that don't work in DX-10 with similar ones that do is solving the problem without our users having to do a lot of conversions...I'm trying to keep it seamless so there isn't another step for them to take.  Changing picnic tables or rocks is a easy fix on our end to help those users.  The only problem I foresee(so far) I cannot control the blank textures in some AI aircraft. So folks may have to live with that. But if I can get the scenery locations to work without affecting a non-user, then I've got my hand on both birds.

Some people fear we are doing to start having a bunch of problems with blank textures and other problems they have heard about. But we aren't doing anything on our end that affects someone not using it. They would just see a different picnic table or a different styled outhouse. They will see no difference. But anyone with DX-10 will see a huge difference.

What conversion program are you using?  I'd like to see it. One I got didn't do anything.


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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2013, 10:52:42 AM »
I understand the swap outs, but man it has to be a royal pain to do! Is there some way to upload all of the converted textures and provide them as a download? Just wondering.

Sent you a PM on the converter.
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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2013, 01:39:40 PM »
I'll look at the converter. Making the little changes is kind of fun. Of course I've been to all out sites. But for some its been a couple of years. It is kind of fun to go back and visit some old handouts. Yes a bulk download would be easier, but our "confusion factor" with all the library files to download, and then all the locations, really has a high number. So it is worth my personal time just to go back to them and swap out a picnic table or a rock. For the "non DX" people, this way they will see no change. They don't have to do any downloads or do anything different. If they are new and download one of these, they won't know they are seeing a different picnic table:-). But for folks running DX, RTMM will be giving them a quality, error-free scenery location.  At least the logo will point them to the ones that are ready for it.  Some may not get transitioned...but they will know by the logo being there or not. 


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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2013, 03:30:49 PM »
For some reason my emails to you are getting bounced back as undelverable. The converter is called "Convimx". It was referenced in the DX10 setup guide. Works great! When my emails stop getting returned you should be getting it from me.

BTW, my undefined objects were caused by my OZx library getting removed from my scenery library somehow. Go figure! Darned trolls got inside the computer again I guess.
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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2013, 05:20:48 PM »
Question for you. If I run the program will it fix everything in place or put it fixed in a different folder? The reason I'm asking, I actually want DX-10 to "screw up" so I can find the problems. If they are all fixed, I won't know there's a problem.  Try "" see if that works for you for an email.  Got your sound fix on the other subject ok, will try it tomorrow.


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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2013, 07:40:04 AM »
You can specify the output folder to send the converted files to. I suppose you could create 2 texture folders for each library, one for bmp and one for dds and switch back and forth between them. Of course the active one would be called "scenery" and the inactive would be called something else and you'd have to change the names back and forth as needed for testing purposes. Does this make sense? 

For some freakin' reason, I'm getting mail bounced back from both of your addresses. I thought maybe it was something on my end with the attachment so I sent it to myself and it went fine. I'll send you a note without the attachment to see if it goes through.
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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2013, 08:04:54 AM »
Copied from the Screenshots thread...

Systems are different Rob, so yours can act dif from mine. But go to the FAQ page and download my log. Those are the only changes I've made. I have an NVIDIA video card and tried some things with it and lost my frame rates. So I did a restore in the card...more I have to learn there.  Also, you can always uncheck DirectX Preview on to off, the you are back where you were.  I switch back and forth all the time to find the missing objects. 

You have to have your water setting above 50% to see the waves.  Just save your FSX.cfg so you can throw up your hands in disgust and go back if necessary :-)

Let us know the results.
This moved from the screenshots thread,,,

One thing I've noticed, at dusk and night some of the AI aircraft textures go to blank white. Also, the big building at Big Hydro turns white at night. These are some if the screwy "shader things" that might be fixes with a new program that is in beta right now.

There are some we see them, this is where we communicate it. And I will say this again, it isn't for everybody...but it is simple enough to try. We don't fly at night much, so losing those textures is not a big deal. But it us smoother, the water is beautiful and the frame rates...for me, doubled with what I've done.

And another thing for anyone running it...please let us know if you find an object that doesn't work. We can always replace them with one that does from the object libraries we ALREADY have. 

Also, NOTHING we are doing to make any scenery location DX-Ready will affect ANYTHING you are doing if you do not use it. We are just exchanging one outhouse object for another, or a picnic table or a rock...such changes will not be noticed.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 08:14:22 AM by Doug »


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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2013, 08:19:44 AM »
The link to the guide in the OP doesn't work for me... I tried several different ways, but no joy. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2013, 08:33:40 AM »

Go to our RTMM FAQ Page under DX-10 and you'll now find a link to AVSIM's discussion thread that has all of these documents.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 09:28:16 AM by Doug »


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Re: DX10 Discussion Thread
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2013, 08:40:31 AM »
Oops, Doug.  You've copied the "shortcut" instead of the actual PDF file.   :-[
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 08:45:18 AM by jeff3163 »

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